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Hello CE,Mobile


@param hAPI API set 하기 위한 HANDLE
TRUE indicates that the API set has been registered and the APIs are ready for use. FALSE indicates that the API set has not been registered and the APIs are not ready for use.
TRUE 는 API set 레지스터에 등록됬고 API를 사용하기에 준비가 됫다.
FALSE는 API set 레지스터에 등록안 됬고 API를 사용하기에 준비가 안됫다.

You can also use other mechanisms to determine if an API is ready. For more information, see Determining if an API is Ready.
API가 준비가 된다면 결정할 다른 mechanisms 을 사용할 수 있다.

In Windows CE, a -level API systemmight not be available to be called at the time that an application or driver needs to use it. In this situation, it is important to test for the API's readiness before making the API call. If an API is called before it is ready to be used, an exception can occur, which might terminate your thread and process.
윈씨에,서 API systemmight 레벨에 드라이버 어플리케이션 또는 드라이버 사용이 필요한 시간에 부를수가 없다. 이 상황에서 API call을 부르기전에 API의 준비되지 않음이 테스트에 중요하다. API는 사용이 준비 되기 전에 불러진다. 예외적으로, 너의 스레드와 프로세스를 종료 할거다.

Applications and drivers that might run before Gwes.exe and the Shell (Windows Explorer or an OEM-customized shell) system components are loaded must call IsAPIReady before using the APIs
supported by these system components.
Gwes.exe and the Shell (Windows Explorer or an OEM-customized shell) system components 이 실행되기전 드라이버와 어플리케이션은 이 시스템 컴포넌트들에 의해 지원된 API 사용 전에 IsAPIReady
 반드시 불러서 로드 되야 한다.

The following table shows what handles to use with IsAPIReady.
Handle Description
SH_SHELL Detect shell services APIs
SH_WMGR Detect Windows Manager APIs

In Windows CE, the APIs that make up a version of the OS can differ from device to device.

If you are writing an application or driver that targets a particular device, the API set should be known.

If you are targeting more then one device, it is important to dynamically reference APIs. This enables your application or driver to run on a variety of devices.

To dynamically reference an API, use LoadLibrary to load the dynamic-link library (DLL) that exposes the API and then use GetProcAddress to return a pointer to the API.
@see GetProcAddress | LoadLibrary | WaitForSingleObject

'Hello CE,Mobile' 카테고리의 다른 글

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