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Hello Android

run cts -m CtsOsTestCases -t android.os.cts.ParcelTest#testMaliciousMapWrite [CTS][Android9.0] run cts -m CtsOsTestCases -t android.os.cts.ParcelTest#testMaliciousMapWrite junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Should have thrown a BadParcelableException frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/Parcel.java original source /* package */ void writeMapInternal(Map val) { if (val == null) { writeInt(-1); return; } Set entries = val.entrySet(); writeInt(entries.size()); for (Map.E..
run cts -m CtsCameraTestCases -t android.hardware.cts.CameraTest#testPreviewFpsRange [CTS][Android 9.0] run cts -m CtsCameraTestCases -t android.hardware.cts.CameraTest#testPreviewFpsRange testPreviewFpsRange junit.framework.AssertionFailedError /media/pastime0/hellob/sources/pie/cts/cts/tests/camera/src/android/hardware/cts/CameraTest.java 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 // Test if the list is properly sorted. for (int i = 0; i
hw_get_module hw_get_module camera.ds9.so -> test.ds9.soID 이름 변경
안드로이드 원격조정 seven-square sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb Installation Seven Square is based on QT, so install these dependencies: sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake libqt4-dev libqtcore4 libqtgui4 Now install the tool using these commands: git clone https://github.com/yangh/sevensquare.git cd sevensquare make sudo make install
문자열 API snprintf(목적 버퍼, 복사할 사이즈, 포맷, 아규먼트) char source[100]="abcdef";char dest[100]; strncpy(dest, source, 4); // 4 byte copy (4 char)0000: 61 62 63 64 E0 F7 8C 23 30 F8 8C 23 00 2C 6C 80 abcd...#0..#.,l.0010: 00 04 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 01 00 ................ strncpyz(dest, source, 4);// 4 byte copy (3 char + null)0000: 61 62 63 00 E0 F7 8C 23 30 F8 8C 23 00 DC 6A 80 abc....#0..#..j.0010:..
spin_lock_irq 문제 void abc(){spin_lock_irq 인터럽트 disablespin_lock_irq 인터럽트 disablespin_unlock_irq 인터럽트 enable => 되면서 인터럽트 발생가능성 및 아래 unlock 무용지물spin_unlock_irq }
complete 함수 사용 예) ADC 를 Start -> 기다려야 한다.(wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout) -> 완료 인터럽트가 발생하면 핸들러에서 complete 을 준다.
리눅스에서 쉘 ftp $ftp ftp> open 22ftp> open {서버} {포트번호}ftp> user (username) anonymous